Fortune of the Deep State Energy Vlog

1 year ago

This Title is from the K index and the seven card draw i did on the Deep state today April 10, 2023. This date gives us #21 the Universe ofr world card the hero's journey is complete. We are ending a phase.

The Schumann Resonance today Disclosure only showed us it was in a blackout for 35 hours, thus we need strength to persevere.

The Space Weather news site showed us a small CME coming off the departing limb of the sun. The Coronal hole stream has hit the Soar density wa about ten protons per second maybe 12 protons which would give us the hanged man card. do we need a change in perspective? The solar wind speed was up to 520 (KPS). Thus we have #7 the Chariot card, Swift movement on your path. The Temperature was hot near the top of is chart. The K index of geomagnetic activty started in the yellow zone just barely with a level of 3.25 for first nine hours. Thus really stressing there is a lot of change coming. it then went to three the Empress card. it then went ot level 2.75 , thus we #14 temperance card we should be balanced for sure. The we went to level three again the Divine Earth Mother being empathized. From six to nine PM we had a level .75, thus we have the hanged man taking a pause.

The Planets today showed us a sun centric look then the astrological look at the planets. We went through the Sagittarius moons transits hard aspects on the planets in Taurus adn Trines or good aspects on the planets in Ares. We have Venus transiting into Gemini tonight.

I asked the card about the fortunes of the deep state? In the past we had the Queen of
Wands knowing they need to go cause her cat told her so. the queent the deep state is dying burning away on this Sagittarius Moon. opposed or moving towrad the world or completion an end to. mitigating this is the Sun Card a new day maybe?the future row stars with the Seven of swords telling us there is a stragy to how they we reveal this with the high priestess giving up the secret knowledge a s we move into the three of wands a new territory. So I would say the deep state is on its way out they being the alliance and trump the Emperor card with the foru of cups having a problem letting us see that the swamp is drained.
Space Weather News site:
The Planets Today site:
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