A Guadalupe Odyssey part 1 - New Earth, Fatima, 3rd Secret, Hopi Prophecy, Apocalypse

1 year ago

This video is the first of a series of videos about my 25 year journey starting in 1997 following Our Lady of Guadalupe. Back then I did not even know who she was. Over the years, I would learn about: Juan Diego's native culture and calendar; about Teotihuacan, Mexico's connection to Our Lady of Guadalupe; about Our Lady of Fatima and the Third Secret; about Our Lady of La Salette and her sphere of light; about Our Lady as White Buffalo Calf Woman; about Hopi culture, tradition, and prophecy.

I would read Apocalypse 12:1 speaking of a "woman clothed with the sun" who most say is Our Lady of Guadalupe. The verses right before that, St. John says he sees the ark of Christ's testament in God's temple in heaven. Our Lady of Guadalupe is pregnant carrying the baby Jesus who is the testament so Our Lady of Guadalupe is the "ark" seen by St. John.

Our Lady of Guadalupe would give me a new calendar song based upon the previous calendar song given to Juan Diego's ancestors by Itzamna a.k.a. Quetzalcoatl that some sources say was Jesus Christ.

Her Guadalupe tilma dress flowers when set in motion reveal the exact count of days of the calendar song that she had me record. I would learn the name of her calendar song is "The Never-ending Love and Harmony of God". The song's name refers to two very important things that Our Lord Jesus Christ said.

Jesus said "A new commandment I give unto you: That you love one another, as I have loved you" (John 13:34) that relates to the "The Never-ending Love" part of Our Lady's song's name.

Jesus said "I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you" (John 14:20) that relates to the "Harmony of God" part of Our Lady's song's name.

So maybe Our Lady of Guadalupe's calendar song maybe for "a new heaven and a new earth" in Apocalypse 21:1.

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