Heal with All 9 Solfeggio Frequencies - Binaural Beats - Full Body Aura Cleanse and Restoration

1 year ago

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00:00 - 174 Hz - Relieve Pain, Stress and Tension - Healing Chakra

20:00 - 285 Hz - Heal and Restore - Root Chakra

40:00 - 396 Hz - Release Fear and Guilt - Root Chakra

1:00:00 - 417 Hz - Release Negativity and Heal Trauma - Sacral Chakra

1:20:00 - 528 Hz - The Love Frequency - Solar Plexus Chakra

1:40:00 - 639 Hz - Harmonious Relationships - Heart Chakra

2:00:00 - 741 Hz - Eliminate Toxins and Negativity - Throat Chakra

2:20:00 - 852 Hz - Awake Your Intuition - Third Eye Chakra

2:40:00 - 963 Hz - The Miracle Tone - Crown Chakra

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