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LIVE - Calvary of Tampa with Pastor Jesse Martinez | What is the Sin Unto Death? | 1 John Explained
Calvary Community Church of Tampa LIVE PM Service Service with Pastor Jesse Martinez
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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.
(Tom Cucuzza)
(Jim Scudder)
(Freddie Coile)
(Yankee Arnold)
(Kees Boer)
wait so let's take our Bibles and we will go to First John chapter 5. we just got done
really looking at what I think is probably one of the better parts of this book
in the record of God and we studied the law of two witnesses how significant that is to that word record-bearing
witness it's important to recognize that what
was done by God through his son Jesus Christ is this is God's testimony this
is how we can believe him there's places that we saw where his record rests which what I mean by that
is it rests on his immutability what does that mean is unchangeable nature
this doesn't mean that God is locked and confined to some static timeline and we'll look at that in a moment when we
talk about prayer and asking in his will but what it does mean is that what God has promised he is not
going to go back on nor is he promised something that he's unable to fulfill
This Promise was first made to Adam and Eve in the garden and then
the entire record of the scripture just like we studied this morning you remember how Jesus said that the son of
man must needs to die he's got to be delivered up he's got to be an offering for sin he's got
to raise and he will rise from the dead three days later why did he say all that this is what the prophets taught and and
it's just I want you to think of it I use that binocular illustration a couple of messages ago
the Old Testament there were some things that were clear and some things that were not yet in focus and Jesus brought
everything into clarity that is why the apostles had so much strength when they saw the resurrected
Christ these guys would not be stopped they literally had to be killed all of them had to be killed for their
message to be stopped but even then it just continued and that's why we're here today it's what's so unique about the
Bible so unique about these prophecies these Mysteries that now have revealed truth we can know and understand these
things today so we just got done studying all of that this is the record that God sent his son
in his son his eternal life if you don't have the son you do not have life and he says in first John 5 13 these things
have I written unto you and this is not these things the content of the book John is saying from the end of chapter 4
into this part right here I've written all these things unto you that you the reader and also the recipients of this
letter which in many um fashion by the excuse me many theologians believe when they receive
these letters like in Corinth Ephesus colossi Philippi all those different things when they receive these Bible
letters that became a part of our scriptures they read them out loud to the entire group it's very similar to
how the Jews read the oral law over and over and over in a public setting
so when John is getting to this point he's making sure that he addresses his reader and he says you that believe on
the name of the son of God so we know he's talking to Believers because we just saw in the last three verses you've
got the son you have life that you may know that you have eternal
life and that you may believe on the name of the son of God so he he says that and then the next
several verses he's talking about working that out and this is where you
know people get a hard stop and what I mean by that is they go no no we don't have any more work to be done
everything's finished in Christ you know everything that I do now is just an outflow of the spirit
while some of that is true a lot of it is false and the big error
there is that we do not have work to do there is work to do and what John is
setting up here is you have eternal life therefore don't waste the life you have here
I want you to look at the very last phrase in this book you would think the
very last verse would be believe on the name of the son of God or this is how you know you have eternal life what is
the last thing that that John says to his readers little children verse 21
keep yourself from idols wow
what does that tell us that there is a real Temptation for the audience to which he was writing and for us today to
get caught up in idolatry which is giving Godly Authority to someone or something
that is not God I grew up in a Baptist Church and a lot of times people would you know I think
misapply that phrase you know it's like well if you if it you know if if you
choose something else over Church well then you have an idol in your life that's not true for everybody that may be true for some people but that's not a
rule hard and fast the way you know you have a problem with idolatry is you're giving that thing
time and resources and worship that should go to God now can people build Idols in their
life that caused them to miss church absolutely a lot of times more often than not it's a lack of discipline that
people are not faithful moreover it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful First Corinthians 4 2 James
says in James chapter 3 uh not all of you should be teachers you know what that means there's a lot of people that were just yakking this same kind of
whatever and James says you better be careful because the teachers are going to have the greater judgment by the way that that strikes seriousness into my
mind that I better make sure the things that I'm teaching are accurate with the word because I'm going to be held to a
higher standard of judgment for the things that I say well we've got a lot of people talking I
think I told you a little while ago we've got people on the internet today that that they're running out of material okay they don't know their
Bibles their pastors and they're running out of materials so they're they're just grasping at straws there's a very famous
guy right now his name is Michael Todd and this guy uses crazy illustrations uh
when when he was pressed about gay marriage when he was pressed about the gender identity crisis
he questioned God choosing male and female he said I wish that God would have just made a third ambiguous
category why didn't he do that I'm sitting here and going because he made him male and female and
that was good in his eyes but that's not satisfactory because well we got it we got to cater to the people and the
people are in you know they want their gender stuff so do you see where the problem comes in the authority is not
with God that stuff's an idol that stuff can re replace God there's a lot of
stuff like that he used an illustration where he took Jesus spitting in somebody's uh
when Jesus spit in the mud and healed the blind man he focused on well God's will is nasty
and he had his brother-in-law come up on the stage and he spit in his hand and rubbed it in his eyes
as to try and draw some application that God's will is nasty no it's not it's perfect the Bible says
it's good acceptable and perfect will of God and Romans 12 2. why don't we use that he doesn't know it
and and all this is is is a result of not understanding the correct
application of scripture so when Jan when John is getting here and he's talking about idols which is
the last thing that he says to close out this great letter verse 14 he builds off a 13 and he says and this
in the same way that we know we have eternal life this our eternal life is
the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything now there are there there's there's a
phrase there that people don't want to accept is there what does it say if we
ask anything according to his will
that is not the idea that people bring into prayer you know what I'm talking about you and I may have been guilty of
this before we kind of go into Frank Sinatra mode and say I did it my way right we we want
to do things my way and we want to make our will God's will you know and and instead of
us conforming to God's will we want God to conform his will to us I see this so
many times when people are making big decisions they're making big decisions they've already they're already leaning one way
they may come to me or another Pastor for counsel and it's like I'll I'll tell him I say
you know you got to be careful that you're not taking what you want and saying it's what God wants
and they'll rest on the fact well I prayed I prayed for these things I
prayed for this to happen and then this cat crossed the street and that cat was the color of the new place I want to go
whatever you know and they'll just assign whatever they want a sign to what they do
this says here the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will he heareth us this
is the confidence and I've said this before it's not the confidence in that our prayers will be answered they will
but where we rest our confidence based off of the eternal life that we have is that God hears us
that's where the confidence is in prayer that's where it's in and we have to also
ask it according to his will there's a quote from the commentary that
I primarily study it's from a gentleman named Marshall and he wrote a book on first John and I don't think he had the
gospel correct because he uses the next few verses to prove that you can lose your salvation but we're going to talk about that in a moment but he makes a
very very interesting point here if you look at this teaching
in the light of Calvinism you have a problem okay because why would there
have to be any abstaining from Idols if we're going to persevere until the end if it's a guaranteed thing that we're
going to finish well why do we have to ask for the Lord for the Lord's will to be
accomplished because we don't know it and so we're asking for strength to be able to carry it out and we have to be
confident that he hears us listen to this note here but if prayer is to be made according to God's will
why pray it all and some people take this position they they say well what's the point in prayer if God already is
going to do something against my you know why wouldn't I just float with it you know back to this quote here surely his will
is going to be accomplished whether or not we pray for it to be done to speak in such terms is to assume that God's
will must be understood in a static kind of way as if God has made a detailed
plan beforehand of all that is going to happen including the fact that we are going to pray in a particular way and at
a particular time but while the Bible does speak of God's plan universally and purpose for the
world to speak in such deterministic terms in relation to the father-son
relationship that we now have remember our fellowship has changed when we put our faith in Christ or
excuse me before we put our faith in fight excuse me before we put our faith in Christ Ephesians tells us that we're alienated
we were in darkness I want you to see that Ephesians chapter 2.
I left my Bible and my um iPad in my uh other car with Kyla
but I want you to see this here Ephesians chapter 2 and verse one that's why I have the laptop up here wherefore remember that ye being in time past
Gentiles In the Flesh who are called uncircumcision by that which is called the circumcision and the flesh made by
hands that basically is just saying you were Gentiles and not a Jew what was the
sign of a Jew the circumcision the physical circumcision and then of course
being born into that lineage that any that at that time before you were a part
of the faith you were without Christ there's some very direct language here
being aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of Promise having no hope and without
God in the world but now in Christ Jesus look at what it says you who are sometimes far off are
made nigh and I want you to see what draws you nigh it's the blood of Christ
not your good works not any kind of promise that you'll make to be good it's the blood of Christ that draws you nigh
for he is our peace verse 14 who hath made both one and hath broken down the
middle wall of partition between us having abolished in his flesh the enmity even the law of Commandments contained
in ordinances to me for to make in himself of Twain one new man's so making peace and that he might reconcile both
unto God in one body by the cross having slain the enmity thereby once you're
talking about here the Jew Gentile separated now brought together by the blood of
Christ into one body what's that body the church the Lord Jesus Christ Christ
the Ecclesia the call that assembly now this is interesting I want you to note here before we trusted in Christ as our
savior aliens separated far off now when we've put our
faith in Christ we're made I we're in one body and in Galatians it says where
there is no Jew or Gentile Bond or free all are made one in Christ
what does that mean so there there's now a change in the fellowship before you
had no Fellowship you were outside now you're inside you've got fellowship and
as a as being inside you've got to make sure that you obey so that you can have
a good time while you're inside You There are rules and instructions
that God gives to his children that bring about blessings and if you disobey you're going to get a spanking
there's going to be discipline but I I wanted you to see that there in Ephesians because the relationship has
changed I know some sometimes that word relationship is not best understood I think we're under I think I'm clear on
how you use it here where we we have a different relation with God now because of Jesus Christ we're made nigh as it
says so verse 15 or excuse me verse 14 in first John chapter 5 we're back in first
John chapter 5 and verse 14. this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will he
heareth us so we we have to understand that God is not asking us to just simply
walk on this uh path that he's already predetermined and nothing matters you are already going to do what you're
going to do he's asking us to talk with him through prayer have confidence in the fact that he hears us
we I Think Jesus in Gethsemane is one of is is a very good example and I'll give you another one here in a moment but you
remember what Jesus said if there's a way for this cup to be passed for me nevertheless not my will but thine he
knew that's what he had to do but in his in his the the nature of mankind he did
not sin in this but he was overwhelmed by what was to become of him
but he submitted himself to the will of the father didn't change that he had to go to the
Cross here's another example do you remember Paul when he was told not to go to Jerusalem
he was told specifically not to go to Jerusalem there was a man who had the Holy Spirit who communicated to him
don't go and what did Paul do he said I've got to go I've got to go
it's very interesting to see that the holy spirit says go
now someone say oh that's God changing his mind no I don't think so I think that's God choosing to use Paul in a way
that would probably bring some more difficulty on Paul if he would have obeyed but we can see here that even while Paul
was in prison what happened when he went to Jerusalem well they had the first Council there they went through all that he gave a
great testimony and then as he's walking into the temple the people who were causing trouble got
a riot started and our friend Paul ended up in where jail where he remained until he was
transported and then he died in Rome lost his head some would say would he have had a
longer life if he would have yielded we don't know it's not for us to know
but we can see here that the importance is is that we pray so that he hears us
and we can see all over the place where God's will is dynamic it's not simply
static like God Is Not A Robot okay I want you to understand that he he's not some machine
I think sometimes we kind of make God this static stale no yes maybe no yes
maybe he's our father think about the the all the details that come along with that
there's you know he's a real he's a real being we're made after his image he
understands what we've been through Hebrews chapter 4 tells us that he's he's taught he's been touched with the
feeling of our infirmities he knows what we're going through I think he's the only one that could really look you in the eye and say I know how you feel
he wept over Lazarus death I think that's another part of scripture that's just very touching he cried over
Jerusalem and they were going yay he's here and he wept over Jerusalem why
because he knew they were not trusting him to be there deliver from sin but to be their political savior he wept he
said how often I would have gathered you together but you would not and that caused so he knows grief he
knows disappointment he knows pain he understands all of that and so the
Victory and prayer is that we have a God who hears us and that's the confidence
that we have now let's look in verse 15. and we know that he here and if we know that he hear
us he's building off of what was already laid down in 14. whatsoever we ask we know that we have
the petitions that we desired of him whatever we ask if it's in his will
then it will be done I have learned to pray in a very
single way I ask for the Lord's will to be done I do pray for things that I want that I
believe are what the holy spirit is leading me to do and I just want to stand up here and
say this and not have it come off the wrong way a lot of the things that I've prayed for have come to pass and that's not because
I'm strong-arming God I think that's because I'm learning to submit to his will my desires have
totally changed I'll give you an example sometimes I cringe Facebook has this
feature called Memories where it'll show you what you posted 12 years ago I checked that every day and delete stuff
just silly stuff sharing a silly video or whatever but I can't help but see the
Jesse from 2013 2012 2011 loved posting
about baseball I mean it was all the time I mean I'd be making fun of Boston if we
beat Boston I'd be you know making fun of the Yankees if we beat the Yankees there's nothing necessarily wrong with
that but I can see the me from 10 years ago had different desires different
he wasn't the same person that he is now and what's changed more of God less of
me more submitting to the word less of submitting to my own desires
that doesn't say that like baseball's evil that's not what I'm saying which by the way baseball in Tampa is
doing great they've won their first nine games in a row which has not been done since like
2003 and then there's some other stats that haven't been done since like the 1800s
I wish Louis was here so I could say when Louis was around pray for Louis he's got um some pain right now just
just be praying for him but we have to understand here that as we
submit to God's rule in his word our desires are changed
the Proverbs tell us that commit thy Works unto the Lord and thy thought shall be established Proverbs 16 3. you
keep doing what you're supposed to do he's going to give you proper desires then when you ask for something to come to pass
you're in his will and it'll come to pass that's why I look at our daughter and I
say that that wasn't something where I was like I want a daughter I want a kid and I don't care what God wants continually you can ask Kyla we always
prayed if it's your will Lord send this child into our lives whatever
way and it happened and I'm extremely thankful for that extremely thankful but I believe that's
God's will if we did if we never got a child then I would resort to say that's not God's Will and let his will be done
over mine but he's saying this because now he's going to talk about
there's some there will be those around you who disobey and they stay in sin look what it says
If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death he shall ask and
he shall give him life uh for them that sin not unto death there is a sin unto death
and I do not say that he shall pray for it this is a difficult portion of scripture so I'm not going to tell you
that I know exactly what this means but what I can determine from this is that
there is a responsibility number one for the brother who sees the other brother
and all this means is a Believer who sees another believer sinning pray for intercession of that believer
and if it's in God's will he shall ask and he shall give him life that does not
mean eternal life I don't believe that's what's brought into context here because it would totally eviscerate
the last section that we just studied first John 1 first John 5 1-10 or 1-13
about the record so this has to be talking about the life physically here
he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death
the sinning not unto death there is confusing I'll be honest with you that's difficult for me to wrap my head around
does it mean that they are sinning but they come out of that sin they're not sinning unto death because there is a
sin unto death and some people think it's a specific thing like unbelief I don't think that's what's in context here we're talking about Believers I
think there's a specific sin not like murder or adult or anything but there's a specific number right whatever you
know God has that that leash that he gives you and when the leash runs out and you commit that
sin again whatever it is he's going to take you out a premature death
John 15 2 says you are you know God's going to prune there are some that of you that are
gathered and burned by men you have no more profit
I don't think it's our job to start finding out where is everybody on their sin on the death meter you know I don't
I don't think that's our function what's our function here pray for the believer that's in sin
that's the best way you can show love to them notice here there's nothing here about tolerance
well that's their truth so I'm going to let them do their truth no no I want God's way I want that for me I want that
for them if they ref if they res excuse me if they rebuke any attempt to get
right with God you pray for that believer verse 17.
all unrighteousness is sin and there is not or excuse me and there is a sin not unto death
we know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not but he that has begotten of God keepeth himself and that Wicked one
toucheth him not this is all building off of what was already established in first John 3.
um look at it very quickly First John 3 1 behold what manner of love the father hath bestowed upon us
that we should be called the sons of God therefore the world knoweth us not because it knew him not beloved now are
we the sons of God and it does not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like
him for we shall see him as he is and every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself
okay this this does not mean that they're automatically you know never going to sin again they have a sin they
excuse me they have a spirit nature that will never sin again but there is work required in Walking in the spirit and
not walking in the flesh if you go back to chapter five let me let me show you why that ties in
in verse 18 it says whosoever is born of God sinneth not this is exactly what was said in First John 3 9. there's a new
nature in you that does not sin but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself now he's talking about the
sanctification process that's here on the earth we keep ourselves and now when we when we understand that
we can see how 16 makes a little bit of sense and this is what I'll tell you here if any man see his brother's Sin is
Sin which is not unto death he shall ask and he shall give him life for that uh for them that sin not unto death I think
it's God's will ultimately if God knows the heart of a Believer is turned against him is set in this
wickedness which I use the phrase you know habitual sin but all sin is in practice but I think you
know what I'm talking about that that just repetitive nature the conscience is seared there's verses in the in in First Corinthians that tells us that I think
God is going to go all right take them out and no matter how much I pray for that person
God's going to take him I'm satisfied with that I'll be honest
with you because I would rather them be with the Lord than do more damage here there some of the worst damage that's
been done against the gospel message is from believers that live lives and then they get caught
in some wickedness and it's a big I don't even like saying the word scandal
and it comes out and it's like oh see these guys are just like everybody else except they're trying to get money from you
I despise it because it hurts the gospel message gospel message is not silenced because
of it but there is a mark on it that comes as a result of that and then 17 there it's a reminder all
unrighteousness is sin and there is a sin not unto death verse 19 and we know that we are of God
and the whole world lieth in wickedness this is important reminder and then he
he closes here verse 20 is fantastic and we know that the Son of God Has Come
and have given us an understanding that we might know him that is true and we are in him that is true
even in his son Jesus Christ this is the true God and eternal life
that is one of the greatest verses in the Bible
we know the Son of God has come we have understanding we know this is true we
are in him that is true his son Jesus Christ this is the true God in eternal life
but he doesn't stop there he wraps up with 21. little children keep yourself from idols
amen which is let it be so so we see here as we've as we've come to a conclusion
the last part of First John is about Christian Living it's an encouragement not to get caught
up in the wickedness of the world which we are supposed to be separate from but also to pray
and be aware of what's going on in other people's lives this is fellowship
this is why I wish there were 130 people at church every Sunday morning what a great I love it the choir is up there
now because it it Fosters an environment of encouragement I'm not a huge fan of small groups
because a lot of them get abused to become gossiping circles but I I totally see the purpose of small groups to
encourage one another throughout the week Sunday School the youth programs all of that is
another opportunity to teach God's word and fellowship with one another you'll find that that people that that
volunteer they're doing Sunday school they're doing rants they're doing a one Whatever It Is they have a closer
fellowship with one another and a closer walk with the Lord because they're with each other they can encourage one another
if we're all just trying to outperform each other on Sunday morning well who are we fooling but ourselves
if there's still wickedness in our life that's not being addressed we've got a major problem
there's not much more to say on that I there's there's so many opinions on the sin unto death
I'm submitting that to you because that's the one that lines up with the theme of the book because if we're saying something like there is a sin
unto Eternal death like there's some people that do some absolute mental gymnastics with the Greek to try to make
that seem like the oh there should be the word Eternal there there's no way you'd have to have the word Eternal you
know what I'm saying but they try to read it in there I think this is about the one who's struggling with the
sanctification process the ongoing process of sanctification there they're stuck in sin you need to pray for them
but understand if God's going to take them no amount of prayer is going to change that and this is why I say with people all
the time you got to serve the Lord because you want to submit to him not because I said to do it this is going to
come a time where that's going to be exposed God wants you not you on my faith you understand what I'm
saying you have to do it as a decision to serve him well my pastor said so I guess I'm going
to read my Bible you know how hollow that's going to be you're going to be thinking the whole time I'm just doing this because Pastor
Jesse said to do it you're cheating yourself but if we see a a brother that is
sinning there's a sin unto death and you see one of great examples is in First Corinthians the gentleman who was in
that immorality with his mother-in-law if he doesn't want to change get him out of the church deliver the body
unto Satan oh he's going to hell now he's talking about his body it'd be better if his life was over than
to continue to do this damage to the gospel message I think and I was talking with Trent about this either this week or last week
but we're talking about what happened to that guy you know with the sin with his mother-in-law I think chapter one of
second Corinthians says that maybe he was the one that was brought back into Fellowship don't know but I can tell you
iffy changed his mind about his sin and stopped doing that immorality there's nothing in the scripture that says he
can't come back into Fellowship it would actually be against the scripture to deny him
fellowship if he's walking with the Lord doing things right I can't see what's happening in
everybody's life but God does know be sure your sin will find you out it's one of the scariest one of the scariest lines in scripture
your sin will find you out and if you've got that sin in your life talk to the
Lord about it confess which means come to an agreement and stop it begin to walk more in the spirit and not
in the flesh so that wraps up our study on first John so next week we'll kind of go over an
overarching thing just covering some main points from each chapter and then we'll be done with the series but let me
give you the gospel message the greatest news in all the world if this hand represents you and me my wallet represents sin I put this on top of my
hand because we're all Sinners and this hand will represent Jesus Christ The Gospel is this this is the good news for
God so love the world that's you and me that he gave his only begotten son that's Jesus Christ that whosoever
believeth in him should not perish but of everlasting life salvation is achieved when you believe on Jesus
Christ not when you turn from your sin when you try your very hardest when you ask him in your heart none of that saves
you what saves you is simple faith believing trusting on him
that what Jesus stood on the cross and that he came back from the dead was sufficient to pay for your sin the moment that you do that the Bible says
you are placed in him you are given the righteousness of God and when God looks at you he sees the righteousness of his
son this sin can still cause damage in our lives and now the Christian Life is
learning how to walk in the spirit and not fulfill the lust of the flesh if you're listening on the internet you
can put your faith in Christ right where you're sitting the offer is open to those of you in the sanctuary as well
I think it's been a great week a lot of stress this week I appreciate you you praying for all the Ministries
are I really do believe we're on the cusp of growing we got a lot of Littles that are going to grow up to be
bigger Littles you know what I'm saying but the church is growing so continue to
pray for that I think there was a couple from ESL here this week which was so
I love that I love it that's going on people are inviting people people are getting saved
I I think we're really continuing to grow here at Calvary it's all because the gospel message it's all because the
Practical nature of the word we're just doing what God says and I encourage you to do the same
will you pray with me a lot of thank you so much for the free gift of everlasting life
thank you so much for your patience with us there's so much that we can learn and
apply from the scriptures Lord I I thank you for this series that we've been able to teach in and for the
great Sunday that we had today bring us back here safely as we many of us some of us coming to work here
tomorrow and then throughout the week just doing things that are trying to win more and more people
but Lord we do pray that you come back we're ready to see you give us the strength to do your will it's in Jesus
name we pray these things amen all right let's all Stand Together
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