Maiden's Tower in Istanbul

1 year ago

The Girl's Tower, also known as the Maiden's Tower or Kız Kulesi in Turkish, is a small and charming tower located on a tiny islet at the southern entrance of the Bosphorus Strait in Istanbul, Turkey.

The tower has a rich history dating back to ancient times, with various legends and tales surrounding its past. One popular legend tells the story of a sultan who had a daughter and was warned by a fortune teller that she would die from a snake bite on her 18th birthday. In an effort to protect her, the sultan built the tower on the islet to keep her isolated and safe from harm. However, on her 18th birthday, a basket of fruit was delivered to the tower with a venomous snake hidden inside, which bit and killed the princess.

Over the years, the Girl's Tower has served as a lighthouse, a customs station, a quarantine station, and even a radio station. Today, it is one of Istanbul's most popular tourist attractions, offering breathtaking views of the Bosphorus and the city skyline.

Visitors can reach the tower by taking a short boat ride from the European or Asian side of Istanbul. The tower houses a restaurant and a café, where visitors can enjoy a meal or a cup of coffee while taking in the stunning views. In the evenings, the tower is illuminated, creating a magical and romantic ambiance.

Whether you're a history buff, a romantic, or just looking to soak up the beauty of Istanbul, the Girl's Tower is a must-visit destination that is sure to leave a lasting impression.

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