What the Media Is Not Telling You About the Government Charges Against the J6 Defendants

1 year ago

Attorney Marina Medvin on What the Media Is Not Telling You About the Government Charges Against the J6 Defendants
Jim Hoft: It seems like a lot of these charges are just overblown. The people I’ve spoken with at Gateway Pundit, we have people calling us all the time from prison, actually, some of the political prisoners, and most of them have never been charged before with anything. They’re good citizens. Many served in the military. A lot of them are lower middle class. They’ve never been to Washington, DC. They’re just those people who really loved Trump’s message and thought they were doing the right thing to go there.

Marina Medvin: As you said, they’re lower middle class. A majority, I would say maybe 90%, if not more, are represented by court-appointed counsel or public defenders. And that is unique in a large class of cases to understand just what is happening to these individuals that they cannot afford private counsel. The majority of them, this is pretty striking. And people accuse Trump supporters and conservatives of either being rich or people who just don’t want to pay taxes or this or that. But if you see the individuals who actually support Donald Trump, that’s just not the case.

The J6 prosecutions are unique. The government is using COVID as an excuse for the delays in the trials and need to hold men in prison for two years.

Marina Medvin: Two things are unique. Number one, the volume of defendants and discovery is unique. It’s unprecedented in American history. Number two, we had COVID, which caused significant delays in the courts. We weren’t able to have jury trials move forward. And so, while normally there’s a 70-day speedy trial rule in these cases, and technically, you could push forward if you wanted to, to a trial, there’s nowhere to go to trial because COVID closed down the courts… Whether I agree or disagree with that is a whole different issue. I think at a certain point, constitutional issues come into play. Speedy trial. There’s two different speedy trial concepts that people tend to confuse. There’s a speedy trial act, and that’s where it says 70 days of trial after indictment. And that’s what people get confused about. When we talk about waiving speedy trial, we’re talking about the act. Then there is speedy trial, the constitutional right. That’s not a 70-day right. So speedy trial under the Constitution is more broadly understood, and courts look at that case by case specific to see if the constitutional right to a speedy trial was violated, because that is very different.

A vast majority of charges against the Trump supporters are trespassing charges for standing outside or walking into the US Capitol. More than 2/3’s of those charged.

Marina Medvin: I don’t think anyone in the defense bar ever seen charges like that. But also, we haven’t seen 1512 charged either, which is the most common charge for all the other trespassers. The one thing to realize about January 6 defendants as a whole is the majority are charged with trespass offenses, nonviolent offenses, but trespass style offenses. It sounds like a lot of the individuals we spoke with were found guilty of more serious felonies or being held on violent charges. But if you really look at January 6 defendants as a whole, those are the minority. The majority are, and I think it’s two-thirds, if not more. The majority are actually just trespass defendants. People who went in the flag waving grandmas, people who went into the capitol, took selfies, walked around, and walked out.

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