"Silenced" - www.silenced.co.nz - An Independent New Zealand Documentary.

1 year ago

Silenced - a documentary from Candlelight Productions NZ Were hundreds of thousands of Kiwis truly misled down a rabbit hole of disinformation, driving a wedge through our society during our pandemic response? ...or were fair and important points pushed from the public domain? Broadcaster Peter Williams, self-deregistered GP of 40 years Dr Anne O'Reilly and freelance sociologist Jodie Bruning share their perspectives on how New Zealand's freedom of speech in media, medicine and academia was impacted by suppression over the last three years.
Forward the www.silenced.co.nz URL via text to friends to avoid censorship. www.silenced.co.nz URGENT: If you appreciated Silenced please share it with 2-6 friends and family members, especially those who seem unsure about the issues, by using the themes below - before it’s silenced! For greater impact, add a message from the heart about how watching Silenced made you feel”
“Science can flourish only in an atmosphere of free speech” – Albert Einstein “I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.” —Abraham Lincoln, U.S. president 1861-65

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