How to play Cooperative Chess

1 year ago

Learn the rules to the video game Cooperative Chess quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules. For a refresher of the original Chess rules, check out this video:

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The rules are the same as regular chess except for these changes. For a refresher of those rules, check out this video. The object of the game is for both players to work together to achieve a checkmate on either color while occupying all the mandatory squares. The game is played in rounds. Each round, both players will pre-move 2 moves. Once both players are ready hit submit and the game will execute the pre-moves by both players in turn order. You need to occupy every target square as indicated by a black box and exclamation point. If all the target squares are not occupied at the end of a round, you lose.

The square with a question mark is a bonus square. If you occupy that square in addition to the target squares at the end of the round, then in the next round 1 player will have 1 addition move they can perform. This bonus move will alternate between players.

If you check a king before all the premoves have taken place, then the moves will be halted and the player in check will need to address the check before the rest of the premoves can continue. If a piece is unable to make a pre-move, because it was captured unexpectedly for example, then the moves will pause so the player can make a new move. If you checkmate an opponent’s king before all the moves are complete, then the round will end immediately. If you aren’t occupying all the target spaces, then you lose.

En passant is not allowed. Castling is allowed like normal. You can play custom games where you can change the number of target squares and the number of turns each player gets per round. There are also puzzles you can play.

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