Pakistan: Mass forced conversions. Hindu Population shrunk from 23% to 2%

1 year ago

#Islam #Pakistan #Muslims #Hindus #india
February 28, 2017 By Arshad Abbasi
One of the main causes of the Hindus concern is that forces conversion of their girls. The girls escape from house as a result of kidnapping, when they are found; they are forcefully married to some Muslim boy and converted to Islam.
At the time of partition in 1947, almost 23 percent of Pakistan's population was non muslims/Hindus
Today, the proportion of non-Muslims has declined to approximately 3 percent. ..

According to 1951 census, Dominion of Pakistan (both East and West Pakistan)
had a population of 75 million population (including Hindus)

Migration from East Pakistan (1951-1961) (PDF) pocket_book 2006

Mehak Keswani is now Mehak Fatima: 22-year-old Pakistani Hindu woman ‘abducted, converted’
By Mitchell Trevor -December 28, 2019

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