
1 year ago

▶️Recipe (Serves 2)
1️⃣Chop the radish thickly
2️⃣Soak rice (one cup and a half) for 30 minutes to 1 hour
3️⃣Rinse oysters (300g) lightly in water with a little bit of grated radish or coarse salt (kosher salt) and rinse several times.
4️⃣Pour rice, water, carrots, and radish in a pot and boil over medium heat.
5️⃣Add oysters over low heat/ Close lid and cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes/ Turn off heat and simmer for 5-10 minutes
▶️ Reduce the amount of water a little less than the amount of rice
▶️Sauce (Serves 4)
2 Cheongyang peppers, 1 red pepper, 2 minced green onions, 1 minced garlic, 4 dark soy sauce, 2 Korean soy sauce, 2 water, 1 red pepper powder, 1~2 sesame oil, sesame seeds

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