Ascension News: The Return of the Goddess

6 years ago

We have entered a new age of light. The symbol that best represents the synergy of the age we are now in is the infinity sign. This looks like a number 8 on its side. One side represents the masculine and the other the feminine. There is a flow of energy from one side to the other. No part is superior or inferior to the other. This infinity sign could represent our logic and intuitive minds that seek to unify and support one another. It could also represent the head and the heart. It could also represent power and vulnerability. Essentially the return of the Goddess is something to be celebrated by both men and women. It is a return to wholeness. It is a return to love. It is a return to honouring the web of life. It is a return to empowerment where we individually and collectively once again understand and experience that we create our reality from the inside out. As we embrace the Goddess our world will naturally transform.

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