Central Sun Transmission: Opening to Receive 5D Ascension Light Codes

6 years ago

We are in a time frame where a new field of light and consciousness is opening. The old 3D reality is shifting as new light impulses continually impact the planet from the Central Sun. This light is coming in great waves since the all-important marker of the Winter Solstice 2012. This planet is an ascending planet. This process of light impacting the earth will cause major changes to the ways we live together on this planet. It is also moving us towards a major dimensional shift that will end the dominance of ‘dark’ agendas on this planet. Many old 3D structures are already wobbling under the radiance of these light frequencies from the Central Sun. This process is already causing many individuals to wake up to a higher level of unity consciousness.

This remastered transmission is intended to help you connect with high frequency universal forces around you. You are here for a reason and that reason is found when you wake up from the sleep of 3D density. This is a meditation-transmission track to connect you with the high frequency light impulses from the Central Sun (Galactic Centre). In this journey you will receive a transmission of light from the Central Sun into every chakra in your etheric body. You will also receive a transmission of light directly into the physical body. This journey works with four ascended masters from the 5D Inner Earth realm and six beings from the Central Sun (a mixture of archangels and masters of light).

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