The Rainbow Bridge Transmission: Upgrade Your Chakra System to 5D.

6 years ago

We are at a point where the timelines are splitting. In this remastered transmission you will learn to unhook from the old karmic earth grid and more fully connect to the new ascending crystalline 5D grid.

This transmission will also help you connect more deeply with the Christ Grid and open to the new 5D chakra system waiting to be birthed inside of you. This transmission will help Starseeds open the channel to their Higher Selves, Guides, Angels and Source Energy during the apex of the ascension process, 2019-2022.

Below are details of the 5D Chakra Upgrade.
All energy centres go from cones to spheres:
1st Base – shimmering platinum.
2nd Sacral – pale pearlescent pink.
3rd Solar plexus – gold with rainbow light.
4th Heart – pure starlight
5th Throat – majestic royal blue.
6th Third eye – crystal clear with emerald green fire.
7th Crown – crystal clear with golden tint.
8th Causal moon – Silver-white. Your Lower Akashic Records.
9th Earth Star – Copper. Connects you to the earth and to your bloodlines.
10th Soul star – brilliant light magenta. Your Higher Akashic Records.
11th Stellar Gateway - golden orange sun. This connects you to your Higher Self.
12th Universal – whatever colour comes. This connect you to your Monadic Self.

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