Ascension News: 3D Matrix RIP. From Destruction to Recalibration.

6 years ago

You may have noticed that the world is shifting. This shift may be happening in your personal reality as well as on the world stage. No-one said this mission was going to be easy. We are here for a reason. There will be those that do not understand your path. There will be those who oppose your path. This is just the way it is. As we move along the path and heal our inner doubt, fear and confusion we begin to attract more supportive people and circumstances.

This is the time all the world prophecies are talking about. This is a recording of a live talk given in 2017, in Central London. Topics covered herein include: The true nature of the soul. The shift from 3D to 5D, from destruction to re-calibration. Starseeds - Who are they and why are they here? The Activation/Awakening Process and more.

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