Easily Clean Dirty Engine Parts | RM250 Rebuild 5

5 years ago

★Enter to win my RM250 when it's done! https://www.prymemx.com/pages/rm250giveaway

★My Store (Pryme) https://www.prymemx.com

★RM250 Parts List https://www.prymemx.com/pages/rm250

★Tools Used In Video
Build Parts Washer Course http://cjn.mx/washer
Cylinder Repair by PowerSeal USA http://cjn.mx/powerseal
Torch http://cjn.mx/torch
Impact Power Driver http://cjn.mx/impactdriver
Simple Green Degreaser http://cjn.mx/simplegreen
Mag Wheel Cleaner http://cjn.mx/magcleaner
Mesh Basket https://amzn.to/35BRD3A
Rubber Gloves https://www.prymemx.com/products/rubber-gloves

Time to clean up the RM250 engine and send out parts for repair.

★Business/Social Media
Pryme https://www.prymemx.com
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★Camera Equipment

★Ways to support the channel★
Bookmark the affiliate links below to make your purchases on Rocky Mountain or Amazon.
Rocky Mountain: https://cjn.mx/rmatvmc
Amazon: http://cjn.mx/amazon

★Send me mail:
Cameron Niemela
PO Box 704
Deer Park, WA 99006


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