Who are the Elohim?

1 year ago

Who are the Elohim?
A question that leads to much discussion in biblical circles. We also delve deeper into the sagas, which are remnants of the Time of Babel. This time is a typology, a predictive event for the time of the Great Tribulation, which is just ahead of us. That is why attention is also paid to God's rescue action for his watchful brides. Through the Holy Spirit we discovered new verses about the Rapture of the Christians. Did you know that the Book of Revelation also has a verse referring to this rescue mission? Well... Find a quiet place, ask the Holy Spirit to help you read the text made up of verses from the Bible and discover how God slowly but surely unfolds his master plan! Pray for your loved ones, read the letters of Peter and James in the Bible (which tell what God asks of his watchful brides - you may take them quite literally), do good works as a Christian should do and if you can, be generous to those who have little or nothing. Here and/or in the Third World, because the crisis is hitting hard there too. Share the Good News of the Rapture with others. Be alert and ready for the 'Warning from God'! God bless you, dear ones!
Here I also want to share a link to a meditation in pdf format on the Passion of Christ. It always pleases Jesus when one meditates on His sacrifice that He made for us. This is the PDF: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12Z53ZA911qLRtOv5aJj6GmEM1fp0-YyB/view?usp=sharing
This is the link to the free English EBOOK Read with EPUB 3 Reader of BV Colibrio of Standaard Apple Books https://drive.google.com/file/d/14K_cs_QC4hIKcEzzqFtgNNPn0y8qftLm/view?usp=sharing
This text is supported by Old Testament prophecies about his suffering and death. Thanks to the Holy Spirit, it was made clear that it is not only in Psalm 22 and Isaia 53 that it is written about the sufferings our Redeemer endured for us… Let us show our gratitude and think about it daily, because in His care for us gave His life, we can receive Eternal Life!

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