Muscarinic cholinergic receptors

4 years ago

This video tutorial discusses the Muscarinic cholinergic receptors:
0:00​. Intro
0:15. What are cholinergic receptors?
0:25​. What are muscarinic receptors?
1:52​. Act through G-Protein coupled receptors that act through 2nd messengers
4:04​. Receptors, Locations and Responses
- 4:09. Heart, SA node (M2 receptor)
- 5:06. Sweat glands (M3 receptor)
- 5:41 Respiratory system (M3 receptor)
- 6:26. Digestive system (M3 receptor)
- 7:31. Urinary bladder (M3 receptor)
- 8:16. Sphincter pupillae muscle (M3 receptor)
- 8:46. Ciliary muscle (M3 receptor)
- 9:59. Lacrimal gland (M3 receptor)
10:09. Clinical correlate: Muscarine poisoning
11:07​. In-a-Nutshell
12:24​. Acknowledgements

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