The Skull

4 years ago

This brief video tutorial discusses the skull with focus on bones and sutures and parts associated with cranial nerves and vessels:
0:00. Intro to the skull
0.17. Bones of the skull (frontal bone, zygomatic bone, maxilla, parietal bone, temporal bone, sphenoid bone, mandible, occipital bone)
2:03. Sutures. Coronal suture, squamous suture, lambdoid suture, sagittal suture, pterion
3:28. Cranial fossae
- 4:16. Anterior cranial fossa. Ethmoid bone, cribriform foramina, lesser wing of sphenoid bone
- 5:05. Middle cranial fossa. Optic canal, superior orbital fissure, inferior orbital fissure, sella turcica, carotid canal, foramen rotundum, foramen ovale, foramen spinosum
- 9:16 Posterior cranial fossa. internal acoustic meatus, jugular foramen, hypoglossal canal,
- 10:52. Base of the skull. styloid process, mastoid process, stylomastoid foramen, foramen magnum
12:22. In-a-Nutshell
12:28. Acknowledgements

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