Black Angelic Fire Transmission: Clearing Toxic Lower Energies in Your Physical Vehicle.

3 years ago

The world is going through a massive toxic episode. This transmission is designed to clear toxic chemical, radiation and energetic interference in the physical vehicle as well as in your chakras and auric field.

In this transmission we call your Team in Spirit, all archangels holding the horizontal and vertical force planes. We also call Zero-Point field angels, and black angelic fire angels.

Zero-point Field angels create a sphere of Zero Point Energy around your energy field. Within this sphere we call black angelic fire. This fire is invited into the bones, blood, lymph, organs, systems. This fire is then invited into the skin and lungs. Then into the cells and DNA.

This fire is invited into all chakras. We ask your Higher Self and Team in Spirit to correct the spin of any chakra negatively affected in any way.

This fire is extend out into the auric field and out into your immediate reality. This is so that you can become a black flame as you move through this 3D world, clearing everything that enters your field, clearing everything that stands before you on your path.

(I have been looking for a solution for the global toxic situation and on the last weekend of May I invited two good friends to our home. In that time I had a conversation with one of these friends who mentioned another spiritual teacher, Magenta Pixie, was calling on Black Fire. Something touched me immediately and later that evening, before going to bed, I called the angels holding this fire. I felt such a powerful clearing. At last the solution had presented itself. After creating and uploading this track I checked out Magenta Pixie’s YouTube channel but could not see anything on this fire. (If anyone has a link please send it.)

Music by One Mind Body Soul - All 7 Chakras Binaural Beats + Isochronic Tones.

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