Infinite Love I Am Meditation: Reversing the Toxic Patterning of Separation, Fear, and Unworthiness.

2 years ago

In this remastered meditation (originally uploaded December 2019) we invoke a sphere of multidimensional crystalline blue light to take you through the Christ grid to your Over-Soul Temple of light.

**Please note*** The symbol of AA Raphael is now a crystal wand.

Here, being held by the loving and powerful energy of your Over-Soul, we begin to reverse the toxic patterning and imprinting created within the 3D Matrix. Specifically, we focus on three patterns: firstly seperation and feeling unloved and abandoned, secondly fear and terror and thirdly unworthiness and undeserving. All these patterns and imprints are dismantled within a powerful cleansing energy from your Over-Soul or I Am Presence.

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