Kidney blood supply

3 years ago

This brief video tutorial discusses the vascular supply of the kidney:
0:00​​. Introduction
0.23. Arterial supply
- 0:26. Renal artery
- 1:06. Segmental, Interlobar, Arcuate, Interlobular, AGA
3:03. Nephron portal system
- 3:05. Afferent glomerular arteriole (AGA)
- 3:25. Glomerulus (capillary #1)
- 4:18. Efferent glomerular arteriole (EGA)
- 4:37. Peritubular capillary/vasa recta (capillary #2)
6:57. Venous drainage
- 6:58. Interlobular, Arcuate, Interlobar vv.
- 7:16. Renal vein
8:04. In-a-Nutshell
8:47​​. Acknowledgements

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