Rainbow / White Angelic Light Transmission. Allowing more Flow in the Toroidal Aura.

2 years ago

The Aura is a field of energy that surrounds every physical form on this planet. Wild nature has a vast energy field. Individual plants and trees have auras. A Human being has an aura that has several layers. Each layer corresponds to a chakra. The aura of a person comes in various colours and these colours vary based on the state of health of the person. The Aura is a sort of energetic ‘mirror’ that reveals our present physical emotional, mental, and spiritual state of being.

The Human Aura is toroidal in nature which is a 3 dimensional extended doughnut shape. The Aura is a series of nested spherical toroidal fields which appear in layers. The Toroidal Fields are the etheric layer, the emotional, the mental, the astral, the etheric template, the celestial, and the causal. Each layer has its own spectrum of frequencies that contain different spectrums of information.

In this transmission Angels holding the energy of White purifying fire clear all chakras from crown to base. This light also clears each layer of the aura from the outermost layer to the innermost. Any murkiness or dense energy is dissolved. The chakras and layers are then uplifted by Angels of Rainbow Angelic Light. Certain layers have specific colours within the rainbow light that are emphasized in the transmission.

7. Causal Layer – Connected to the Crown Chakra. This is the outer layer that contains and protects all other bodies in the auric field. This layer is more extensive/expansive in a spiritually awakened person. In the Flowing Vibrant Rainbow light there is an emphasis on gold which is used to seal the outer edges of the auric field.

6. Celestial Layer – Connected to the Third Eye Chakra. In the Flowing Vibrant Rainbow light there is an emphasis on flowing Silver-white.

5. Etheric Template Layer – Connected to the Throat Chakra. In the Flowing Vibrant Rainbow light there is an emphasis on turquoise blue.

4. Astral Layer – Connected to the Heart Chakra. This is the Astral or Dreaming Body. In the Flowing Vibrant Rainbow light there is an emphasis on flowing rosy-pink.

3. Mental Layer – Connected to the Solar Plexus Chakra. This is the Astral or Dreaming Body. In the Flowing Vibrant Rainbow light there is an emphasis on daffodil yellow.

2. Emotional Layer – Connected to the Sacral Chakra. This is the Emotional Body. In the Flowing Vibrant Rainbow light there is no particular emphasis on any colour. All colours are vibrant.

1. Etheric Layer – Connected to the Base Chakra. This is the layer closest to the physical body. It extends just an inch or two away from the physical body. holds a certain level of the template for the physical body. In the Flowing Vibrant Rainbow light there is an emphasis on white and blue.


Music by Loula Love, 582Hz - Inner Light.

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