Super Quick Meditation: Activating Your Crystalline Core.

2 years ago

“An often-overlooked factor in healing is work with the body elemental. The body elemental is in charge of manifesting the divine blueprint for your body. Innocent and childlike, masterful and intelligent.” ~Teachings of the Ascended Masters, Hilarion the Healer

The Body Elemental is the part of our being that runs all the automatic systems of the body and thus takes care of every aspect of maintaining our physical life, health and well being. This elemental being comes from Mother Earth to assist us in our earth-walk on this planet. This part of us is very connected to all the kingdoms of nature and draws vitality from the earth and also from the sun. The purpose of the Body Elemental is to maintain wellbeing and that is difficult, when we bombard the our body with negative thoughts and feelings.

In this remastered meditation (originally recorded February 2021) we meet, communicate and work with the Body Elemental to release any aspects that need to return to the Crystalline Grid of the Earth. We also invite new elemental energies that are more in line with your ascension path of light. We clear any agreements or promises made with the bloodlines or from other lifetimes that is interfering with the functioning of the Body Elemental. We then activate the Crystalline Core in the body. Since this is a remastered meditation please be aware that the symbol of AA Raphael is now a crystal wand.

Music by Loula Love, 147Hz – Resting Clouds.

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