Affirmations: I Am a Free Sovereign Being. I Activate the Full Power and Resonance of My Being.

1 year ago

This is a remastered track originally uploaded August 2019.

We create our reality is the principle that helps us shift from 3D through 4D to 5D. Affirmations are a great way to reprogram your unconscious mind and shift your experience of reality.

"I Am a Free Sovereign Being. I Activate the Full Power and Resonance of My Being. I am a vast Being of Light, not limited by time or space. I am connected to the great Web of Life. My consciousness is spacious, I am expanding beyond all limits.

I Am a Free Sovereign Being. I own my power; I own my light. In this time of ascension, I am called to move beyond all chaos on the earth-plane. I do this through recognising my true nature as expansive light. I am done wasting my time with beings or situations that are bound by limitation and suffering those who do not choose to live in the light..."

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