Angelic Healing Light Temple Meditation: Invoking Four Angels of Healing.

2 years ago

Since this is a remastered meditation please be aware that the symbol of AA Raphael is now a crystal wand. In this remastered meditation (originally uploaded July 2019) Sandalphon opens a portal to allow us to go deep into the crystalline grid where we are directed to a Temple of Angelic healing Light. There, in a great hall within the temple, you will meet four angels of angelic healing. Each angel is waiting to transmit a healing ray to you.

The first angel is that of Aquamarine Blue that transmits light into the cells of your body. The second is the angel of Rose Pink that transmits this healing light into the skeletal system. The third angel is that of pearl White that transmits this healing light into the blood of your body. The fourth and final angel of that of Pale Lavender that transmits this healing light into all the chakra centres in your body.

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