10Apr23 State Gold Backed Digital Currency; TN Insurrection: Ending Democracy? RFK on Climate;

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TN Insurrection: Ending Democracy or Protecting It? How did this differ from Jan6? Was the expulsion of the "Tennessee 3" justified? 2:09

TN to pay for security at every school. The "Tennessee 3" voted against it as apparently they want gun prohibition, not safety. But is there a better way to protect children? 30:49

RFK and the Green MacGuffin RFK Jr's candidacy will bring attention to many vital issues that the establishment would like to avoid — CBDC, military industrial complex, "public health" mandates, unsafe untested vaccines, and massive censorship. But there is a major elephant in the room — his support for the climate MacGuffin and his calls for censoring and punishing skeptic 46:46

RFK Jr: We need laws to punish “global warming skeptics.” 1:02:53

CBDC is going to be stopped at the state and local level. TX Bill is introduced to create a Gold Backed Digital Coin in the state. Is this good or bad? 1:16:40

Another one comes forward: Canadian funeral director and embalmer testifies about “dirty blood” found in bodies after vaccinations. 1:40:10

WATCH: brief CNN news clip that only aired once, where the reporter on site said there was no evidence at the Pentagon of a plane hitting it on 9/11 1:50:43

Pentagon and NATO plans to aid the Ukrainian offensive have been leaked on social media. Is it real or fake? Is its intended purpose propaganda, military disinformation about a counter offensive, or laying groundwork for MORE censorship? Why isn't media talking about the contents as they did with the Pentagon Papers? 1:52:55

CNN worried that the decline of Christianity in America is not permanent. What will it likely take to bring it back? 2:15:32

"Chinese Mayflower" Christians escape! 2:23:37

What does Foxe's Book of Martyrs (1563) teach us about persecution in the 21st Century? 2:25:55

Oregon Bans Christians from Adoption Only one religion will be allowed — and it won't be Christian 2:38:20

"Oppressor bloodlines" used by North Korean communists in the SAME WAY as Democrats in USA are using "Racial Reparations" 2:46:44
"Sodom and Go-Marxist"? Police stop transgender with plans to shoot up schools and churches along with his communist manifesto 2:54:00

What does Aerosmith & Romeo and Juliet teach us about minors, sex, and statutes of limitations? 2:56:02

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