A Whole Body: The Nicolaitans

1 year ago

Our book, "Nicolaitan: Lords of Hypocrisy," exploring this issue further, is on Amazon. You can also order it from almost any bookstore (they probably don't stock it). There's also a Kindle version and an audio book (about 5 hours long). In the book we expand on the ideas presented in this video and our other book with lots of Scriptural connections. Check it out! https://www.amazon.com/Nicolaitan-Hyp...

Our other books Whole Bible Christianity and Whole Bible Prophecy are also available on Amazon.

Like the Nicolaitan book you can order these both at almost any bookstore, or you can get them in Kindle and Audiobook formats!

We're not sure of the meaning of Nicolaitan. It is mentioned only twice in Scripture, both in Revelation 2. We know that nico = conquer and laites = lay people, so the literal meaning is to rule over lay people. We tend to think that Nicolaitans were only in existence long ago, but sadly they have a large presence in the church even now. Who are these people? Bruce Bertram of The Word of God Ministries and www.wholebible.com lets you in on the biblical methods of detection and gives encouragement for those who feel condemned by them.

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