Pierce County deputies use 'less lethal force' to stop suspect with machete

1 year ago

The Pierce County Sheriff's Department has released body cam footage of deputies using bean bags to stop a suspect wielding a machete.

On March 25 around 8 a.m., a deputy responded to a commercial burglary alarm at an orthodontist’s office in South Hill. When he arrived, he saw a man leaving the business.

The deputy ordered the man to stop and show his hands, but the suspect kept walking. As the deputy followed, he could see the suspect had a machete tucked up his sleeve.

According to the sheriff's department, once the suspect removed the machete from his sleeve and armed himself, deputies requested less-lethal backup and a K9 unit.

Backup arrived, and a deputy fired a bean bag round at the suspect, which were ineffective.

The Pierce County Sheriff's Department said bean bag bullets travel slower than normal ones and don't penetrate the skin.

The suspect ran off and more bean bag rounds were fired. Deputies said the suspect eventually sat down and gave up.

The 27-year-old man was arrested and booked into jail for first-degree burglary, resisting arrest and obstructing.

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