Why false doctrine matters

1 year ago

The following are my thoughts regarding the smelly petty orthodoxies held to be social gospel on this weekend when we remember why there is a Christian Gospel and particularly on this Easter Sunday when we look to the completed work of the Cross of Christ for healing, let us consider the following:
On the unity of the Spirit which we are called to maintain:
Reading of Ephesians 4
The rejection of God and sound doctrine doesn't rid man of religion, it merely guarantees what is believed is apostasy. So, you who claim you don't want to be placed in a culturally, legally, scientifically, and morally defined category, your ideology has created an ideological category which doesn't exist. Cultural Marxist Critical Theory has become the prevailing social dogma, although it is still based on the Dialectical Materialism of Marx and Engels, Critical Theory has rewritten the essential premise of the proletariat rising to overthrow the bourgeoisie. The new ideology of Critical Theory pits the "intersectionally oppressed" against the "patriarchal tyranny" of society itself. Which is why under the influence of this Postmodern Marxist ideology we are being taught in our schools, by our government, and in many so called “liberal churches” to hate our ancestors, our culture, and ourselves for being guilty of committing the original sin of creating what is arguably the most prosperous and free societies which have ever existed. This is Satan's counterfeit where guilt is no longer based upon the original sin we inherited from Adam and our personal moral failings, instead individual guilt has been reassigned to collective guilt and is placed onto society.
When society rejects the foundation of Christ and sound doctrine:
The greatest achievement of Critical Theory's disciples has been to march through every single institution required to maintain a functional civil society and twist them into a hideous counterfeit of the great buttresses of freedom they once were, INCLUDING THE ACADEMY, THE CHURCH, AND THE GOVERNMENT!
My word of warning and admonition to the Church:
Sound doctrine and teaching matters. No competent physician places the symptoms of the illness he is treating above the need to treat the illness itself. Many Christians are currently publicly rebuking the sin resulting from the broad acceptance of Critical Theory without understanding the origins of this spiritual apostasy. I laud the fact they are condemning the sin however I am astounded so many of them are unaware of the source of the spiritual apostasy. Until these truly godless and perverse beliefs are exposed and countered with sound doctrine the sin resulting from this apostasy will proceed unabated.
From 2 Timothy 4: 2 preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.

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