What makes you the angriest? #anger #angermanagement

1 year ago

What makes you the angriest?
Dealing with people who show no sense of responsibility or accountability.
Emotional immaturity
The rape or molestation of a child.
People who get away with it every time they do it
You know when you are walking down the sidewalk and the sidewalk is just wide enough for 2.5 people, and then you see two people walking towards you in your direction, but rather than temporarily falling into a single file line, they stay walking next to each other, and you have to step off the sidewalk? Yeah. That.
As an introvert, when someone says: "Why are you so quiet?"
People intentionally littering.
The lack of human empathy in society.
Having a narcissitic mom
Child abuse.
Honestly on a daily basis: myself. Thinking of my my past mistakes, my lack of engagement. I am just angry at myself for what i am not.
People at work who are stupid AND lazy
People who take advantage of the elderly
Rejection of universally known and proven facts
People who are loud. Even thinking about how loud they are, makes me angry.
Simply existing.
Self-centered inconsiderate assholes. That covers most of what everyone itt is complaining about, and that grinds my gears almost every day.
Time is real. I am willing to die on thus hill. I cannot tolerate people who don’t abide by time.
People who don’t understand boundaries, people who “claim” to know “everything” about you
People who are intolerant of other people's culture, and the Dutch.
When someone tells you to talk more but didn't pay attention while you're talking.
People/organizations who purposely spread misinformation to facilitate public outrage
When cutlery has those water spots
Greed of elites and corporations.Making decent profits in the 70's and 80's was not enough for them. They are creating a bigger and bigger underclass with rising prices and profits.
"If this music weren't good, people wouldn't listen to it" "If this movie weren't good, people wouldn't watch it" THE MAJORITY OPINION ISN'T ALWAYS RIGHT! FUCK YOU!
The fake “X” button trying to get you to click on the ad.
Animal abusers.
People who try to control other people's lives. Stop it. Leave other people alone.
Ever heard a dial up tone?
Slow drivers who use the left lane as a cruising lane instead of the passing lane.
when i open the fridge and it's empty
People who go to public hiking trails and play loud music out of a boombox in their backpack.
Getting sick. I rather get punched in the face than get a cold.
Situations I have no control of
People's obsession with celebrities and tiktok trends.
Arrogant Idiots Spewing out Logical Nonsense to the Public.
people who ask me the same questions over and over again
abuse of animals
People who hurt children or animals.
Work meetings that could have been an email.
Abuse of power in all of its forms.
I can't see my forehead.
Lazy people downplay the competent, hard working talented people into oblivion out of jealousy.
people who believe in fairy tales and then insist that those tales be incorporated in Government law
Waking up
Bad drivers and people who leave their carts in the parking lot.
The first urge to pee after drinking a whole pot of coffee
Child abuse. Animal abuse.
When shitty people are rewarded for doing shitty things.
The amount of taxes we have to pay.
Unearned entitlement.
Noisy neighbors
Ignorance with no attempt to educate themselves.
People that pull out in front of you, only to stop and make a turn immediately after. ESPECIALLY when there's no one else behind you.
Pens on strings
People who are confidently dumb/wrong
My life
People who don't finish their
My “husband”. Seriously considering leaving him at this point
People that don't have spacial awareness in the store.
People who are disingenuous, especially if it's very obvious they're not being truly honest. All it does is complicate things when they could have been straightforward from the beginning and arrive where we were supposed to before and without all the lies and fronts.
Top 3 are asshole drivers, toxic friends/family, and neighbors who blast their music.
First world problem: When a car in the fast lane is driving the exact same speed as the car beside them in the next lane over. Infuriating.
Thinking about how the US is rotting from the inside out and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.
Stupid people.
Yes, Politicians
Slow drivers in the left lane, holding up traffic. This burns me to no end!
People actively trying to take rights away from humans because they’re different than them. Nothing more than that, just different. And they hate that.
People smoking near me
People who still support Trump. I get you're all in a massive cult and don't know it, but please wake the flock up.
Bad drivers

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