Very Old Human Creations That Still Surprise Us Today Part 1

1 year ago

3 #artifacts #ancient

It is amazing how humanity evolved in the past centuries, decades and even years. Science is developing faster than ever, new inventions are introduced regularly. And we are thinking about what should be our next step to further improve our technologies.
But sometimes it is so interesting to dig a little bit in the past and discover what life was a hundred years ago, a thousand years ago or even before common era. Sure, the tools might have been different and not so sophisticated, yet some of the artifacts that survived to this day can easily leave us with our mouths open.
Here are some of the artifacts that are truly outstanding, that sparks a lot of questions and also marvel the contemporary human.
The Detail Of This Incredible Armor Made In 1555

The armor, called Hercules Armor, was made in the middle of the 16th century for Archduke (later the Holy Emperor) Maximilian II. As it can very well be seen in the picture, the armor is covered in ornamentation and mythological scenes. The armor was made in France and it demonstrates the refined and sophisticated skills of armorers of that time. The intricate details tell us that this armor wasn't made to be worn in war. Its real purpose was to denote Maximilian's exalted rank in court or in similar settings. Never mind the remarkable art on the steel, the armor could also fulfill its protective function.

An Ancient Egyptian Ring With A Red Carnelian Cat Dating Back To Around 1070–712 BCE

It is widely known that in ancient Egypt, cats were an important figure in people’s religious life as some of their deities were depicted having cat-like heads, so it is not surprising that they would be represented in jewelry too. This ring is made of gold and the cat figure is carved out of a semi-precious stone, carnelian. Its estimated to be at least 2,700 years old. On the bottom of the cat, in the inner part of the ring, there is a carved Wadjet eye or the Eye of Horus, used as a protective amulet.

A 3,400-Year-Old Artist's Palette Found In Egypt

Very often, we learn about history through art, but this time, we can learn the history of making art. This is a painter’s palette, made from a single piece of ivory. This particular palette is really fascinating because it still contains the blue, green, brown, yellow, red, and black pigments in its wells, even though it was carved around 1390–1352 BCE. There is also an inscription of the pharaoh Amenhotep III in hieroglyphics as well as the epithet "beloved of Re." During the reign of the pharaoh Amenhotep III, Egypt was prospering in art and culture, and this piece of art history reminds us of an ancient civilization preceding even the Ancient Roman empire.

A Ring That Possibly Belonged To Caligula Could Be Around 2,000 Years Old

This stunning sky-blue ring is a hololith, meaning it is made from a single piece of stone; in this case, it is made from sapphire. If the precious stone is not enough to define the ring’s value, it is also believed that it once belonged to the Roman Emperor Caligula, who reigned from 37 to 41 AD. The woman engraved at the top of the ring is assumed to be Caesonia, Caligula's fourth and last wife.

The ring was on sale in 2019 and though the internet doesn't reveal who was the buyer or at what price it was sold, there are a few hints that it might have been close to $600,000. Isn't it wild to think that the same ring which was possibly owned by one of the rulers of the Classical antiquity period is now sitting on someone else's finger? What stories it could tell, if it could talk?
A 2,000-Year-Old Temple Is Still Standing Today And Is In Really Good Condition

The Hathor Temple is one of the best-preserved temples in Egypt and it the main temple of the Dendera Temple complex. It is wonderful how the colors are still this vibrant as it is known the inside was once covered in soot, but it has been successfully restored. The good condition of the art is all the more surprising knowing that it was built more than 2,000 years ago. The main temple was completed by Queen Cleopatra VII, around 54 to 20 BCE.
2,400-Year-Old Shoes Found In The Altai Mountains

It's fascinating to learn about the elaborate shoes worn by the Scythians, and the theories behind their preservation and purpose. It's a great reminder that fashion and adornment have been important aspects of human culture for thousands of years, and that ancient societies had their own unique styles and customs. The discovery of these shoes also highlights the importance of archaeology in helping us to better understand our history and the way people lived in the past.
An Astronomical Clock In Prague, Czech Republic Is Still Operating Since 1410

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