Vintage CNN - Bill Clinton - Stained Dress Scandal - Larry King Live - Aug 17 1998

1 year ago

Aug. 17 1998 - Bill Clinton testified to the grand jury
for more than four hours via closed circuit television
and that evening, he spoke to the nation in a televised
address, admitting for the first time that he had a
"relationship" with Monica Lewinsky:

“Indeed, I did have a relationship with Miss Lewinsky
that was not appropriate. In fact, it was wrong. It
constituted a critical lapse in judgment and a personal
failure on my part for which I am solely and completely
responsible,” he says.

He admits to “inappropriate intimate contact” but
also says that he had given accurate evidence in
January, arguing that, “It depends on what the
meaning of the word ‘is’ is.”

I ripped this segment from an old VHS tape that I
recorded from the live cable TV broadcast 24yrs ago.


Vintage CNN - Larry King - Aug. 17 1998:
Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky Scandal

Guest List:

James Carville - Clinton Advisor
Lisa Caputo - Former Hillary Clinton Aide
Sen John Ashcroft (R) Missouri
Rep Rob Barr (R) Georgia
Dee Dee Myers - Former WH Press Secretary
Leon Panetta - Former WH Chief of Staff

Sen Orrin Hatch (R) Judiciary Committee Chairman.
Sen Arlen Specter (R) Pennsylvania
Rep Barney Frank (D) Massachusetts
Rep Sheila Jackson Lee (D) Texas

Dick Thornburgh - Former Attorney General
Barbara Olsen - Former Federal Prosecutor
F. Lee Bailey - Defense Attorney
Nancy Luque - Julie Hiatt Steele's Attorney

Bob Woodward - Washington Post
Wolf Blitzer - CNN "Sr. WH Correspondent"
Jeff Greenfield - CNN "Sr. Analyst"
Bay Buchanan - CNBC "Equal Time"

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