What One Natural Health Retreat Looks Like - Meet David DeHaas Of Living Waters Wellness Center

1 year ago

What One Natural Health Retreat Looks Like - Meet David DeHaas Of Living Waters Wellness Center | Richard Sacks

Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 4/9/23

Listen online: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/lostartsradio

When Diego Rodriguez was a guest on Lost Arts Radio (https://www.bitchute.com/video/heG1hSFkIPnS/) discussing the kidnapping of his grandson by agents of taxpayer-funded CPS in his home state of Idaho, one of the valuable stories he also shared was how his health was saved by a stay at an amazing natural health retreat. That healing center was Living Waters Wellness Center (https://www.livingwaterscleanse.com) in Boise. Created by David DeHaas as a result of his own search for healing, Living Waters has helped thousands of people regain their health and life quality using a unique combination of natural detox protocols and education so the benefits of the retreat can be maintained in the long-term. David sent me a great video overview of the healing experience at Living Waters, which I suggest you see to learn more (http://www.4NaturalLawsofHealing.com). Don't miss David's presentation on Sunday's show, including some accounts of what has been experienced by actual guests at the retreat.

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Richard Sacks, Host



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