Building a $647,000 a Year Business with ZERO Marketing Spend

1 year ago

In our recent podcast interview, Ryan McLemore, a successful real estate agent and investor, shared his insights on follow-up strategies, deal-closing techniques, and personal experiences. His tips and tricks can help anyone in the real estate industry and beyond to improve their communication skills and build long-lasting relationships with clients.
One of the key takeaways from Ryan's interview was his emphasis on consistent follow-up. He suggested keeping an Excel spreadsheet with three columns for hot, warm, and known contacts and reaching out to 50-100 people a day, seven days a week. By doing so, he believes that agents can build a solid pipeline of potential clients and eventually close more deals.
Ryan also stressed the importance of maintaining a positive and friendly relationship with clients, even if they are not interested in buying or selling right away. He recommended reaching out to clients every 90 days to ask about their life and whether they know anyone who needs real estate services. By keeping the conversation light and fun, he believes clients will be more likely to refer their friends and family to him in the future.
Ryan also shared his experience with difficult clients, specifically a Zambian missionary couple who decided two days before the closing date that they didn't want to sell their property. However, Ryan was able to keep the buyers interested for three more months and eventually closed the deal. This experience highlights the importance of persistence and creative problem-solving in the real estate industry.
In addition to his real estate success, Ryan also shared a personal story about how he used his follow-up skills to land a date with his wife, an engineer at Lockheed Martin, after two and a half years of intermittent contact. This anecdote highlights the power of consistent communication and the importance of being genuine and authentic in one's interactions.
Ryan also discussed his marketing strategies, which he believes are crucial for success in the real estate industry. He specializes in properties left behind by family members who have passed away or hoarding situations, and he tries to get warm referrals from friends whenever possible. He also mentioned the importance of mentioning the person who referred him when reaching out to someone for the first time and providing specific referral targets.
Finally, Ryan discussed his opinion on NFL officiating, given his background as an official. While he didn't go into much detail, it was interesting to see how his experience in a completely different field has influenced his perspective on other areas of life.
In conclusion, Ryan McLemore's interview provided valuable insights into follow-up strategies, deal-closing techniques, and personal experiences in the real estate industry. His emphasis on consistent communication, creative problem-solving, and marketing strategies can help anyone in the industry to improve their skills and build long-lasting relationships with clients.

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