Colfax AoG Apr 02, 2023 - The Living Word of GOD

1 year ago

This sermon connects with the 2nd method of hearing God's Voice. The Living WORD of God. The first method was listening to the Established WORD of God in the Bible. The "Logos" this next session covers the "Rhema" word of God. It is the spoken word of God... it is the process by which as you study the written word of God He will uniquely highlight and apply a section in a very personal way. It may tell us what to do for the concern we have brought to the Lord. It may confirm to us the intentions of God. It requires judgment and maturity in the Established WORD of GOD to handle it well. But it can be so powerful. This teaching comes from Charles Westly Anderson's Love Speaks Documentary Film Series, Episode 2. His video cannot be distributed on our channel, but in it he covered 2 amazing stories: you can order it here:
(1) Reese Howells 1923 - He was seeking God's voice and confirm his direction about starting a bible school. 1Chr 28:10 - for the LORD has chosen you to build a house for the sanctuary; be strong and do it.” and that 1Chr 29:4 was used by god to show him in the amount to pay 6150lbs. per the conversion in the Scofield margin notes. - IT happened exactly like that to the pound.
(2) Corrie Ten Boom - She was reading Matt5:44 and knew god was telling her she must forgive the man that betrayed her family unto death in a natzi concentration camp. Because she headed Gods voice and forgave that man and wrote to him, he also was apprehended by the love of God and repented was saved by Jesus!

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