Alex Jones Breaks Down The Great Reset

1 year ago

Dr. Mercola interviews Alex Jones

link to full interview:

* Alex Jones, host of “The Alex Jones Show” and founder of, was one of the first to be targeted for massive censorship. As of August 2018, he’d already been uniformly removed from Apple, Facebook, Google and Twitter. They all targeted and deplatformed him within days of each other

* Continuing his effort to alert people to the global enslavement agenda, Jones wrote “The Great Reset: And the War for the World.” The book details how the takeover began, how it’s being implemented, and to what end

* The world is at a crossroads right now. The decision to be made is whether we’re going to have a pro-human future, or a transhumanist technocracy, a biomedical tyranny, under which you have no rights whatsoever

* Jones traces the beginning of the desire for a global totalitarian regime all the way back to Plato, who in “The Republic” expressed the idea that the poor ought to be killed off, and a race with elite characteristics be bred

* British economist Thomas Robert Malthus proposed exterminating poor people 300 years ago by crowding and disease in order to prevent overpopulation. Malthus was heavily funded by the British royal family and the Rothschilds, who together with the Rockefellers, developed most of the modern sciences. His ideas continued down through Sir Francis Galton, who developed modern eugenics, and Bill Gates

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