What western media do not want you to know about the situation in Ukraine.

1 year ago

Gilbert Doctorow talks on Press TV about Russian Kinzhal missile strike on NATO Bunker in Lvov, Ukraine, which allegedly killed 200 NATO and Ukrainian officers'

"At the conclusion of my time on air, I brought up another major event of the past month which also was blacked out by our broadcasters, namely the destruction of an underground bunker near the Western Ukraine city of Lvov by a Russian hypersonic missile, the Kinzhal, which cost the lives of more than 200 high rank NATO and Ukrainian military officers, including about 20 Americans.
That event, which first was announced very discreetly on Russian news tickers immediately following its execution, was again quietly and briefly mentioned on the Yandex ticker yesterday with respect to the “shipment in crates” of the recovered remains of those officers killed to their home countries in the West."

Snopes, which is a "fact-checking" organization sponsored by US and UK "intelligence" agencies, naturally claims to have "debunked" this claim.

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