Bible Signs Happening - What if you knew Bible prophetically...

1 year ago

Bible Signs Happening - What if you knew Bible prophetically...
If you knew Bible prophetically:

That since 1915 25 Bible prophetic points have happened or are happening in the general order expected.

That one of the next Bible prophecies was the US attacking and remove Khamenei of Iran and President Erdogan of Turkey.

If you knew Bible prophetically that the US president at the time of that attack… would prophetically be the last president of the 50 United States.

If you knew when that US president left office… whenever that is… however that is… when that US president left office… prophetically, the US was going to split into four nations.

If you knew… not prophetically yet logically… that two of the four new nations, a west coast nation and a east coast nation, for example… was going to be socialistic, communistic, pro New World Order, which eventually accepts the worldwide mark of the beast monetary system… say around 2033.

If you new logically… not prophetically… that by 2025… there would be scientific proof news of objects heading towards earth that would be hitting earth sometime between 2030 and 2032.

If you knew that the event of objects hitting earth, let say sometime between 2030 and 2032, would be the worst worldwide catastrophic event since the flood of Noah’s time.

If you knew Bible prophetically, that those objects hitting earth would be part of the reason that every mountain and island where going to move out of their places.

If you knew logically, that those objects hitting earth would cause volcanoes to erupt, tide waves, and tsunamis.

If you knew logically, not prophetically, that when the news about the scientific proof of those objects comes out… the news would cause a worldwide financial melt-down and massive energy and product distribution disruption.

If you know logically, not prophetically, that by 2025 or 2026, the vast majority of our nation could be in chaos, civil war or some type of internal conflict.

What would you do?

Where would you, your family, and loved ones want to be?

What would you want… to be prepared?

I know I just blindsided you with the barrage of these questions and you probably don’t know

What would you do?

Where would you, your family, and loved ones want to be?

What would you want… to be prepared?

Let me share some very uplifting things for you, your family, and loved ones to consider.

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