Fat Earther - Schports

1 year ago

Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/schports/id1677869091?i=1000607082972
This week the fellas talk about...
IT guy
DIY wet wipe
Omegle/Chat roulette
Mike Obomber
Train falling off the tracks/choo Choo
Men dominating female sports
New Zealand power lifter
Shredded Chinese newspaper powder
1990s cosplay
Spiderman at Nathan’s hotdog competition
Comic convention deodorant
Fentanyl bistro portland
Homeless tent city
Magnets and computer chips in footballs
Football map
Fake X’s and O’s
Fetterman neck drainer
Indoor fireworks
Accidental dismemberment insurance
Paying a doctor with cash
Hiking in the desert
Tim and Eric sports

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