Eyes On The Stars: Weekly Vibes, April 10th 2023

1 year ago

The week ahead … April 10th to 17th 2023

I must start by saying - Tuesday the 11th of April’s Chart is looking good, and the energy is harmonious and surprising. Eye-opening, like seeing something for the first time and being pleasantly surprised.

This is the day for mighty things to happen and unfold, the connection between Venus moving into 0° Gemini, the Sun and Jupiter conjunct to 21° Aries. The Grand trine of water with Saturn, Mars, and South node still influencing. Also, Mercury and Uranus are still in conversation in Taurus.

I feel that something from the past is coming forward to be reignited and reinitiated because it wasn’t entirely complete.
It’s like it had to be shelved or put away, though, with the intention to see what happens in the future, it wasn’t ever completed.

The alignment to work things out was delayed, and now there could be a return though now it’s coming back to it from a whole new perspective and seeing something in a whole new light from a whole new level of awareness, And from another level of maturity, so I feel that this is a very the enchanted week coming, so using this energy well and working with it, committing to move beyond the hick-ups and or the blocks or the limits that you feel have been holding you in space or place that has shown itself inert, now this is the opportunity to begin allowing that energy to free up, simply by being with it, not talking, not moving it, simply seeing it, watching it, making peace with it to see where it holds you or has been holding you captive to limited views.

When you do this, you will begin to see it fully dissolve and move through you; no longer will it block you or hinder you. As soon as you are willing to see and feel at peace with it, you have all the power at that moment to transform and transcend it.
What’s really important this week is lightening up and getting solid in doing just that, transcending energy to receive energy that will elevate you, an infusion of fresh energy and new awareness.

You will feel lighter in your spirit and more exhilarated about the possibilities of where things are heading now.
That’s what I feel this week is presenting at its highest potential.
It’s highlighting frequencies for us to lift ourselves up and receive insights and enlightenment to shift our perspective.

This week we also have Mercury now in the Shadow phase (slowing down to eventually appear to fall behind the Sun); this occurs just at the new moon period, coming on the 20th of April.
It is so important as the second new moon is coming in Aries, and it’s a solar eclipse. This one is 29°, so we are completing a cycle; something is finished, bringing it full circle, and at the same time, seeding and initiating a brave new future path, an up-levelled new cycle, unfamiliar yet, familiar to your soul.

I feel that this new moon solar eclipse on April 20th seeding will be fortified with inspired determination to create anew at 29°, and the next day, the sun will enter 0° Taurus - earth. These seeds will be well rooted with this configuration, with some powerful energy ahead. It’s just starting to get exciting.

This week is the preparation for the new moon eclipse coming, and I feel it will be blessed with a bit of sparkle of magic!

And so it is

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