Saturday Night InfoParty

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Saturday Night InfoParty- Gonna shine light on major issues and do my best to offer some solutions. #Solutions in fact! The kind that first, do no harm. Wellness info about identifying living foods aka what the body wants and needs to live, #LifeHack to IDing foods that don't have that life force, foods that assist with detoxification and other detox products, activating and decalcifying pineal gland. MK info about deprogramming, #Solutions setting humanity's course back onto the ascending timeline, and a creative way to deal with MK'd people who will not, cannot accept the fact they've been dooped. Suggested: watch Yuri Bezmenov's interviews, there's a few, about an hour in length, on YT and other sites, to #GAIN knowledge of how society got so corrupted and the few, but specific, #solutions to fix it. Also, example of hypnotization, and a "Light Therapy" sesh to assist with deprogramming and un-hypnotizing, which you can rewind and replay for yourself. Some of those short video clips are here on my TG:
See my designs I have on Etsy, they are SO much more effective at assisting humanity when displayed in public!

The book the computer #fail wouldn't result in my file search is called "13 Cubed" and relates stories of regular Americans that were traumatized by MK operations, their life stories shed light on the depth and breadth of that subject.

Get moringa supplements, stimulate #Detox with anti-oxidative qualities and easily digestible nutrients! Linked here:

#BePrepared to fight and destroy enemies, germs, worms and ANY pest or parasite that could cause you un-ease! Screw the rigged Rx overpriced industry! With my code PESTCONTROL you save $10 off a new Jase CASE- Emergency anti-biotics that KILL parasites and germs. and there’s a direct link at and more as well.

Putting crushed peach seeds in your herbal tea now, eh? Congratulations! You just got #greenpilled. Status: ascending to #chagagangsta IMMUNE Greenpilled mug:


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