Alex Jones: This is all PEDOPHILIC. It's all about confusing the NATURAL ORDER & SABOTAGING SOCIETY

1 year ago

Infowars Alex Jones: "What do you see with this woman and the fat baby and the draino lady? Mentally ill clowns. Now, what do you see with the trans men? They don't really look like a woman. 99% of them. They're obese, they're horrific looking. They are dressed like clowns. And they're saying, we're coming for your children. And that's the last key part on the trans age movement.

The left is saying that children can identify as adults and have s*x with adults and that they have their own rights to take an experimental shot, to take drugs, to drink alcohol, can't join the military, can't get a gun, can't drink alcohol, but you can because you identify."

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