AI - Star Wars set in the 1940's

1 year ago

AI - Star Wars set in the 1940's

Star Wars facts:

The word "Jedi" was inspired by the Japanese word "Jidaigeki", which means "period drama".

The iconic sound of a lightsaber being turned on or off is a combination of the hum of an old television tube and the buzz of an idle film projector.

The original title for Star Wars was "The Adventures of Luke Starkiller, as taken from the Journal of the Whills, Saga I: The Star Wars".

The Ewoks' language was created using a combination of Tibetan and Nepalese languages.

The character of Yoda was originally supposed to be played by a monkey in a mask, but George Lucas decided to go with a puppet instead.

The iconic Star Wars opening crawl was inspired by the opening crawl of the 1936 sci-fi film "Flash Gordon".

Darth Vader only has 12 minutes of screen time in the first Star Wars movie, "A New Hope".

The blue milk that Luke Skywalker drinks in the original Star Wars movie was made from a mixture of powdered milk, blue food coloring, and water.

The voice of the droid R2-D2 was created by sound designer Ben Burtt using a combination of sounds, including electronic noises, baby coos, and whistles.

The planet Tatooine was named after a real town in Tunisia, where the desert scenes were filmed.

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