I Stand With Trump - JFK Jr. aka Vincent Kennedy Review - Post Indictment Polls ;)

1 year ago

I Stand With Trump - JFK Jr. aka Vincent Kennedy Review - Post Indictment Polls ;)

Kryon March 2023 - Kryon Removes The Last Barrier Between You and The Next Step of Your Journey


#redshoeclub #devilinabluedress #Q #EIC

EIC = 17 = Q = EXPOSER IN CHIEF - HOW MANY coincidences...

Takeaways: Donald Trump was arrested Tuesday. What you need to know about the arraignment and charges

MTG Uses ‘60 Minutes’ Interview to Call Democrats Pedophiles

Remember this sweet video from Joan Rivers? A week later she was dead after calling out Obama as the first gay POTUS and Michelle as a Tranny! Here we have Vincent Kennedy welcoming ChrissWorld to the party.

Kennedy / Trump Tiffany & Blue Connection
A fun share for normies at this point. Undeniable connections.

Charlie Kirk on Why They Are Indicting Trump

Bragg Was Looking to Charge Trump with a Felony, Could Land Himself in Prison for Years Instead

X22 Report - Ep 3034b – Bait Taken, Hunters Now Become The Hunted, Precedent, Pandora’s Box Has Been Opened

Post-Indictment Poll: More Voters in Both Primary, General Election Say They’re Likelier to Vote for Trump
"These two clowns, the Judge and DA, cannot touch Trump in any way." @Qurham17

Exclusive: Trump to be charged Tuesday with 34 felony counts, but spared handcuffs and mug shot

Poll: Trump Enjoys 43-Point Swing His Way Among Texas Republicans Since November

Former Federal Prosecutor Andrew McCarthy Notes Trump Indictment Doesn’t Outline any Crime

Q drop 33 and 34 ties in JFK Jr = Q Clearance Patriot!

Vincent Kennedy . (dot) #FamilyIsEverything #HowDoYouIntroduceEvidenceLegally
#IStandWithPresidentTrump #FistPumpsMatter #UhOhAdam

WWE And UFC Parent Endeavor To Combine In $21 Billion Mega-Merger

Donald Trump bodyslams, beats and shaves Vince McMahon at Wrestlemania XXIII - 3.33 minutes of pure gold with matching pink ties it's like they're connected.

Let's do a quick review of Vincent Kennedy's . (dot) = Mores Code for the letter E = 5. But what else does it represent? Check this out!

April 4, 1968, 6:01 p.m was 55 years ago, also the date and time Martin Luther King was murdered. Same date they arrested Trump.
55 = JFK Jr = Loud and Clear - 1111 #FOLLOWTHEWHITERABBIT #WatchTheWater

April Fools Prank Jokes That Fell With A Dud and an Interesting Blog on New Years & April Fools

Numerology of Number 5 = Master Of Change and Morse DeCoder

On Little Men and Big Men: Donald Trump Is the Next President - Donald J. Trump - Agenda
This is just WOW, even the photo collection is amazing because of course it is.

Sunday Talks – Jim Jordan on Trump Indictment, “The Scariest Thing of All, this Is a Much Bigger Issue.”
Jim Jordan appeared on Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo to discuss his perspective on the indictment of President Donald Trump by a politically motivated Manhattan District Attorney, and the potential for the House Judiciary Committee to question DA Alvin Bragg.

Tucker Carlson Demands Liz Cheney Be Sued For Crimes ‘Against Our Justice System’

#RevelationOfTheMethod #ClubDues

Tom Cruise is another tranny just like Sean Penn, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and many other leading men - all reversoes - same as their wives. #WatchTheWives

Here's a real fooking strange headline! What are they insinuating?
"Injustice How the Sex Offender Registry Destroys LGBT Rights" PARDON???

Budweiser goes full woke. #AndWeKnow #SerialBrain2 #Decodes

Trans Movement Being Fomented by Russia, China as a ‘Guerilla Movement’ to Disrupt U.S.

Trump Freedom City?? Is this what the future looks like?
Wrap up with JFK Final Edit Song and Reiki Music Chants Cho Ku Rei. Enjoy the show!

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