Russell T. Davies WILL NOT Save Doctor Who! Cast Ru Paul's Drag Race Winner As MAJOR Character!

1 year ago

Doctor Who has been a beloved sci-fi series on the BBC since the 1960s. It's the longest running sci-fi series in history. Russell T. Davies is responsible for what many call the Golden Age of Doctor Who with his time after the show got brought back in the early 2000s. He brought us David Tennent and so many great memories. Well Doctor Who has been in a rough place since Chris Chibnall took over a few years ago. The ratings have been some of the worst ever seen. Well now Davies is back and many were hopeful, but after more casting announcements have been made including Drag Queen who goes by the name of Jinkx Monsoon. It looks like it's going to be all about identity politics full throttle for the next season of Doctor Who. What's going on? Lets find out!

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