4 Reasons Why You Hate People Naturally- How to deal with it?

1 year ago

People frequently express their hatred for other individuals. The truth is that only some people you meet will be your cup of tea. Some individuals certainly know a few people they don’t like very much. However, some people get to a point where they feel like they detest everyone because they are so irritated, wounded, or frustrated with other people or situations.

If you’re experiencing this, going about your daily activities and engaging in social interactions might be challenging. Your interactions with family, friends, coworkers, and others may become tense. So, a powerful feeling that can harm your health is hatred.

00:00 - Introduction
01:05 - First Reason - Stress
01:20 - Seond Reason - Social Anxiety
01:45 - Third Reason - Introverted Personality
02:05 - Forth Reason - Ideological Differences
03:01 - Some Effects of Hating People
03:37 - 2 Effect - Physical Health

Sam Mens FM: https://zeno.fm/radio/sammens/

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