Why Everyone Should Learn to Code

1 year ago

It only takes 20 hours to learn the basics of a new skill. There are simply too many resources available for anyone to have any excuse for not learning the basics of programming.

You don't have to have a degree in computer science, computer programming or information technology to get into programming. Whether you're trying to get into the job market to start a web development career or make a living on video on how to learn to code, everyone should code. It's basically a free hobby since all you need is a computer. It's a new year and job market 2019 is ready for you.

I made this video as a bit of an intro/motivation for anyone whose learning to code for beginners, learning to code c++ or javascript or java or python or html or css or really any kind of software. I hope this video gets you excited to make software engineering projects. Good luck!

I have a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and work as an engineer. My major didn’t require me to take a single class on programming. It’s only because I also got a minor in Electrical Engineering that I was required to take a one class on programming. This one class on Java is the only formal training I’ve received on programming. Yet, I’ve been able to learn Java, Arduino, VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), and will soon be teaching myself Python.

Business Insider Article on most popular programming languages:

So what kind of excuse are you hiding behind. If nothing else, learn to write a bit of code to have an appreciation for all the people that do this for a living. Chances are you just think it’s too hard or that it will take too long. Well, get over yourself, it’s not that hard and there are sooooo many guides out there that you could learn any aspect of any programming language in a couple of minutes. My channel doesn’t do tutorials on programming but there are plenty that do. It’s an a la carte approach to learning, you just have to know how to use Google.

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