Santa Brought A New Pellet Stove

1 year ago

Jesus, what a day.

As you'll see at today's spill-post, it started early, with the Fireplace Store service guys crashing my sanctuary, and eventually telling me that the old stove was broke and a new part was weeks away.

I never even heard the term "supply chain issues" until the last few years. Now they are a daily fact of life. What is wrong with you, dear Industrialist Profiteers? Didn't we beat the rona months ago? Yes we did. We did not, however, beat the decline of kapitalism and Empire. Welcome to the new normal.

I went online to the big box store. They had plenty of diesel heaters listed. But when I got there in person--nope, outta stock. Order online and wait. Yeah okay (you lying sacks of mutter mutter).

I came home and I wrote my spill-post. (It is way better than this video, just saying; check it out).

I also had a great batch of texts, and one call, with the landlady. No, let me call her the Homeowner, because she is better than any land-person I've ever known, and way better than some of them. She just bought a new stove and told the boys to get on it pronto.

The video starts there.

I mucked up the audio again, and then in the edit I mucked up a long clip in the middle.

I am forgiving myself, but only with a stern paternalistic admonition to try to be more present in the moment even when things are crazy. To be, in essence, a better version of my belletristic self, even if "my best self" continues to be a mirage and a damn lie concocted by the Oprahs of the world, and other conspirators.

I am the Anomalous and so are we.

Do the work anyway.

Order that better microphone boy. And a tripod. And a diesel heater.

Meet the new dawn with a breath of new fire.

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