Secrets Of Advanced Massage For Health & Healing.

1 year ago

This is a video on advanced methods of massage for the nervous system, that have proven to help overcome the effects of diseases such as Parkinson's disease, MS, Sarcoidosis, C.O.P.D, &,,, symptoms such as swollen ankles, food intolerances, IBS, migraine headache, depression, spinal curvature & peripheral neuropathy... It was while first treating Parkinson patients that I designed my new way of correcting vertebral subluxations, spinal kinks & scoliosis, which I call "Gentle Correction Spinal Therapy (GCS Therapy)... All my presentations & explanations are accompanied by "Before" & "After" clips that show several patients improving, & several, (one being a medical surgeon), achieving remission, & explaining his personal victory over Parkinson's disease, due to me treating him with the advanced methods shown in this video... This video is designed to cater for anyone who has any interest in massage, Natural Healing, longevity, maintaining a balance between tension levels in muscles on both sides of the spine, to rectify scoliosis, balancing blood pressure & oxygen saturation readings on both sides of the body, & the advantages of knowing the steps of prevention that can keep people free from fatigue, vertigo & loss of balance, kidney failure, bladder incontinence & poor sleep... Principals explained have also been used to overcome any of 23 of the rigidity group of autoimmune diseases I have had success with, while working as a Natural Autoimmune Therapist in Australia & in the USA, since 1997... I teach much on how a twisted pelvis & kidney stress is very often the precursor to the onset of so many mystery symptoms & disease, wrongly considered incurable.

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