Parkinson's Disease, Oxygen & The Spine

1 year ago

This video presents 9 clips of Parkinson & MS patients who successfully used nerve massage, deep breathing, mind control and Gentle Correction Spinal Therapy, to stop tremors in seconds and to find & overcome the causes of Parkinson & MS symptoms... Anybody in healthcare, & anybody with an interest in wanting to overcome Parkinson-MS-type symptoms, should not miss this video that reveals a tremendous breakthrough in the natural treatment of Parkinson's disease, MS, C.O.P.D, MSA, Sarcoidosis & a number of diseases similar... For more information refer to my website: or phone me in Brisbane on: 0413317789.

This video offers "ABSOLUTE PROOF" that symptoms of Parkinson's disease are "NOT" caused by death of dopamine-producing cells in a gland of the brain stem called the "Substantia Nigra", & a subsequent lack of the hormone "dopamine", as neurologists are trained to tell patients, while they prescribe a lifetime of drugs... It also offers "ABSOLUTE PROOF" that symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis are "NOT" caused by spots eaten out of the myelin sheath surrounding nerves of the brainstem & spinal cord, but rather, hormonal, muscular-spinal abnormalities that suppress nerves going to the symptom-affected body areas... In my opinion, we are being deceived, by Big-pharma executives & health officials, who've been telling us since 1817, when Dr. James Parkinson documented that spinal curvature & abnormalities in the cervical spine that provoke medulla swelling, are the "TRUE" causes of Parkinson symptoms... It is my opinion, we have been told all this time that "THE CURE" can't be found, just so suffering patients would continue taking their ineffective drugs, & the truth could be hidden, to maximize drug sales... If you would like to know more, please supply me with your email address & I will give you medical journal & medical book references that confirm everything I claim.

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